3 Yoga poses to detoxify the body

The body has a natural detoxification methods that help to get rid of waste and toxins; However, for health reasons you may find that your body is not getting rid of waste. Luckily, if you are a yoga lovers, you can use yoga to detoxify the body. Below are 3 yoga poses that you can use to detoxify the body.

Turn player Lunge

This modeling aids to increase the rate of digestion. The modeling also facilitates the elimination of toxins and other waste products from the body. The pose promotes further blood and lymph.

To get into position, you have to put the right foot forward, and then bring your palms together so that they are in the middle of your heart. With the left knee lifted, press the left heel again. To extend the spine, reaching the crown of your head forward. At this position, place your left triceps on the right side and try to get your body as close to the leg as possible. To turn the body, send your chest toward the sky by looking up. By doing this, you must have twisted internal organs. You should hold this position for at least one minute. When you release the turn, the cells will be bathed with fresh nutrients and oxygen that will aid in detoxification.

Legs up the wall pose

This is a simple poses that almost everyone can do. All you have to do is to “stick” to the head and raise your legs up the sky. You can use the wall as a support. If you can support yourself without the wall, well and good. When you raise your legs to the sky, you will be inverted as an aid in the draining lymph fluid accumulates the feet and drained the fluid flows to the rest of the body which greatly benefits the immune system. In addition to this, inverting itself aids in bathing the abdomen in fresh blood and oxygen, which stimulates digestion. This also poses a very aids in reducing stress that may have accumulated throughout the day.

Locust sitting

Just like the above two, this pose also aids in stimulating the digestive system. To get into position, you have to lie on his stomach while the arms are along the sides of your torso. While in this position, raise your upper body, head, arms and legs from the floor. To know that you are in the right place, arms should be parallel to the floor.

These are some of the yoga poses that you can use to detoxify the body. However, modeling effective in detoxifying your body, you should also eat healthy foods and exercise regularly.

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